Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Ups and Downs

(image by Teerapun)

I'd neglected this poor little blog of late. Life has been busy and although every night I promise myself I'll hop on here and jot down a few words by the time I get everything done I tend to flop into bed exhausted.

Life is a bit strange right now. Family-wise things are wonderful. The Butterfly turns 1 next week and she is turning into such an amazing little girl. She is bright as a button and is so much fun to be around. While the Bear remained pretty quiet untill after his first birthday the Butterfly has decided to be a chatterbox and says Muma, Dada, Pa (Grandpa), Bear (yep, the Bear isn't just a Blog nickname I have for my boy, it's what we call him at home), More, Nana (banana), Uh-Oh (whenever she drops something, something breaks etc etc she'll make a little 'o' shape mouth and say so sweetly uh-oh") and Erro (as in Hello). She also says Bubba and delights in waving to any baby she sees shouting out "Bubba, Bubba!!" to try and get their attention. She refers to herself as bubba too and will say 'Bubba' then point to her drink, or 'bubba nana' if she spots a banana lurking in the fruit bowl. She started walking when she was 10 months, not great big marathon lengths but a metre or so, and delights in playing games with the Bear. She will hide between the couches or behind a wall and giggle madly untill the Bear finds her, squealing with delight when he does then madly heading off to hide again.

The Bear is doing well too, I swear he has grown since his birthday last month. He has shot up in height again and has become so thin, we're back to attaching belts to every pair of pants he owns as they tend to fall down around his ankles if we dont. That happened to him recently, we were walking down the main street of our local village, chatting happily, when he stopped in his tracks and burst out laughing. I looked down and there he was, jeans around his ankles, little jocks on display to the world, laughing his head off. So yes, belts are a big feature in his world right now. We've found the world of work books recently aswell. He was given a few for his birthday and he loves them. He sits himself down at his little ddesk, announces that he is working and asks for some "quiet please" and fills out pages and pages of them. He's really good at them too, zooms through the counting, matching, shapes and maze activities. He's currently working on writing his own name. It's still a bit wobbly but he'll get there!

Yikes, I just realised how much I've blabbed on already. I've got a whole drama to go into about the Down side of recent events so I'll save that for next time. It's nothing too major, just these few nagging issues that keep dragging me down. Urgh.

So yes, if anyone is out there reading this stay tuned, I'll be a better blogger from now on, I promise! x
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