Monday, 25 July 2011

Let Them Eat Cake

So Bear's third birthday has come and gone. He had a wonderful day, hubby and I lept into decorating mode as soon as he had gone to bed and decked the house out with millions of streamers and balloons which if your anything like me, instantly makes a house feel party like. We madly wrapped up his presies (a big boy bike complete with training wheels, a helmet, a horn and a police siren and flashing lights, a wheelbarrow (he's been asking the Butterfly to get him a big boy wheelbarrow for ages now, his other one is a little kid version and he was desperate for a proper one), a soccer net and ball, a frisbee and a Wiggles DVD. It was really fun, we were sitting on the floor surrounded by wrapping paper and sticky tape (do you have any idea how MUCH wrapping paper it takes to wrap a bike?!) trying to whisper and be as quite as possible to avoid waking him and giggling like little kids.

Once the house and pressies were done I shifted into cake mode. Now birthday cakes are always a big deal to me. When I was little my Mum would give me the Woman's Weekly Birthday Cake books and I'd be allowed to choose anything I wanted. My gosh, I poured over those books for weeks and weeks, tossing up the pro's and con's of a castle vs a jewerly box, a duck vs a teddy bear. It's one of my happiest memories, made all the better by the fact that the book was covered in stains from previous cake making adventures. So cakes have always been important, they are the major event in our birthday celebrations and I promised myself when I became a Mummy I would lovingly hand make my babies cakes every single year, making whatever they wanted. Sounds nice but in truth of the matter is I am no cook. Hubby cooks all the dinners in our house, and on weekends takes over breakfast and lunch duties too. So this is actually a bigger deal for me than it may sound :)

For his first birthday I made him a train cake. He adored trains and was thrilled to be able to actually eat one. It was my very first attempt at making a cake so I was pretty nervous! He liked it though :) Not a great pic, and excuse the whited out patch where his name was, but you get the idea.

For his second Hubby chimed in a begged for a number 2 covered in m&m's. It's what he had for his second birthday and he wanted to share that with the Bear. How could I say no?! So this was cake number 2:

This year he's getting two cakes, he had one on his birthday on Saturday and will have one on his party this Saturday. Following tradition I made a number 3 for his actual birth day cake, but as per his request decorated it with snakes and spiders. It didn't turn out how I wanted, I only started it at about 10:00pm the night before so no big surprise there really, but oh well. This is the final product:

For his party he has requested, wait for, Muck. As in the dump truck from Bob the Builder (it's a fancy dress and he's going as Bob). I'm not yet sure how I'm going to make him, but bygod I will! Somehow. Lol.

knife and fork image by Carlos Porto

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did Muck go, can we have a picture please.

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