Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Shopped Till We Dropped

Image by Digitalart
I am totally shattered. I'm currently on the couch and I don't think I could move even if I wanted too (which really isn't a problem as I really and truly do not want to move a single muscle!)

Today the little ones and I hit the shops. We left the house at 8:00am this morning and walked back through the door at 4:30pm. Some good friends of ours are getting married this Friday (at the same place that Hubby and I were married, ceremony venue and reception venue!) and the kids and I literally had nothing to wear. The plan was to go to one certain shopping centre (it's huge) and get everything done as quickly as possible, being home for lunch. Pfft. That didn't happen! We walked every square inch of that centre and looked in every single shop and found nothing. Urgh. I did learn a couple of things though, firstly that certain shopkeepers have a very inflated view of themselves and their work. The moment we entered a couple of shops the shopkeepers lips literally curled in distaste. Granted, they were rather exclusive shops and I was pushing a trolley with the little ones in it, but give me a chance people! It was all very Pretty Woman (you know that scene where the assistants won't serve her?). The second thing that I learnt was my children are amazing. Okay, I already knew that but it was reinforced today. The Butterfly sat happily in the trolley seat the entire time we were there, chattering away happily and waving to random people as they walked past. When she got tired I transferred her into the the Baby Bjorn and she sleep soundly for an hour or so, then went straight back into the trolley, happy as pie. The Bear alternated between walking next to the trolley, tightly holding on to the bars, and sitting inside reading a couple of books. 7 hours we were at the shops, 7 hours and there was not one meltdown, tantrum, or tear. In fact, despite the fact that my legs and feet are killing me, it was a lovely day.

Anyhoo, we ended up giving up and driving to a smaller shop, our hopes very low. After all, if we couldn't find anything in a huge shopping centre what hope did we have of finding something in a little one? Within 1 hour of walking into the smaller centre we walked out, arms full of bags. Mission successful, woohoo! Wish I had gone there first! I'll take some photos tomorrow and put them up, but oh, they are both going to look so gorgeous. The Butterfly has the sweetest little dress, navy blue with white spots on a full skirt with a plain navy blue bodice with blue and white striped long sleeves, a little white cardigan, white stockings to keep her little legs warm and divine silver shoes with a silver ribbon bow. Oh, and a gorgeous white flower headband. The Bear has long black pants, a grayish blue and white striped long sleeved shirt, a silver/blue tie (yep, a teeny tiny tie!) and new black boots. He was so excited about his clothes, the moment we came home he begged to try them all on again then proudly strutted around the house, asking if he could sleep in them tonight :)

And as for me? I randomly grabbed a pair of long black pants and really pretty shirt, only to realise when I got home that I'd grabbed the wrong size for both. So guess what? It's back to the shops tomorrow! Arrrgh! We will have to be really quick tomorrow though, because in addition to the wedding on Friday night we are all on a plane first thing Saturday morning, flying off for a quick holiday! Woohoo! I think I'll need a break after all this shopping ;)

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